Challenges Faced By Indian Youth

1. The independence to date
Why can't the older generation understand that dating is a part of the growing up process today? Dating promotes gender sensitivity, allowing young men and women to understand the uniqueness, strengths and vulnerabilities of the opposite gender. The emotional balance thus found lays the foundation for stronger relationships, not just with their future life partner but also at the work place.
2. Employment guarantee
An entrepreneur friend once told me, "Kulpreet, I can pay any amount of salary to the right candidate. But where are the right candidates?” I understood his dilemma. Schools and colleges in India are simply not able to educate and train our youth to take on modern professional challenges. Experiments, out-of-the-box thinking and non-conformity with established norms are looked down upon. This attitude has to change. The standards of our teachers and professors also need to change. They should not just teach students but also inspire them to become achievers. 2. Employment guarantee

3. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
The young are plagued with insecurities. And it’s not just about their jobs. Their way of life is challenged at every level. Thanks to easily accessible social media, they feel others are having more fun or are getting opportunities that they are unlucky to miss out on. This is increasing the cases of depression among the youth.
4. Obesity
A sedentary life due to restriction on outdoor activities by parents on the one hand, and too much pressure on academics by teachers on the other, are making the youth binge eat.
Obesity as a challenge is no longer restricted to the Western world. It has arrived with a vengeance on Indian shores.
There is a flip side to it too.
In some cases, the pressure to become size-zero is so strong that some people stop eating altogether. Why can’t we just allow the youth more outdoor freedom and love them for what they are and not how they look?